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Research Wedding Magazine Style Shoot – Hedwig Tam 談善言

感謝Research Wedding再次找我拍攝,又一位我很欣賞的演員 – 談善言

celebrity/ Hedwig Tam
photos/ Billy On Air Photography
hair/ Larry Ho @Hedwig Tam’s team
makeup/ German Cheung @Hedwig Tam’s team
wedding gown & wedding suit/ Victor Chan Studio
jewellery/ Dignity D. 
florist & decoration/ Make Your Choicesss Floral Lab
flower ribbon/ Immortal fabwork
shoes/ Odelicate
video/ Givefunla

Research Wedding Interview of Hedwig Tam

Boudoir Photography: Celebrating the Beautiful & Sensuous You

As a boudoir photographer in Hong Kong, we usually get told that we take “pictures of women for their husbands,” or “for brides giving these portraits as gifts,” and every time we explain: Boudoir photography is way more than what these assumptions make it out to be; we dare say, a Boudoir portrait may transform how a woman lives her life. 

Boudoir portraits aim to be a source of confidence, celebrating women as who they really are, not what the world thinks they should be or want them to be. Here’s more on why every woman must have a Boudoir session at least once in their lives: 

Boudoir is Empowering 

As a photographer, our goal through boudoir is the empowerment of women. With years of experience, we discovered that in a time where everyone is experiencing some form of self-doubt, Boudoir portraits could do more than merely flatter: they can strengthen subjects through awareness of their self-worth.

Although working with brides embarking on their wedding day is indeed rewarding, some of our favorite clients have come to us for very different reasons. We’ve had clients seeking a post-divorce confidence boost or special portraits before undergoing a mastectomy. Others have come before or after birthing children, as they’re aware their bodies change over time, and they wish to capture it “before it’s too late.” Or they simply want to capture that change.

Boudoir Can Help You Win the Self-Love Battle

Countless women want to experience their boudoir sessions, but unfortunately, are afraid to take the plunge. They hold back because they are fixated on society’s superficial and unrealistic beauty standards.

To all of you who feel like this, we want you to know that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, even if you think you’re “flawed.” Your scars, curves, and blemishes tell a story – your story. A mother, a partner, a daughter, a lady boss, a woman who truly matters and is worthy of a boudoir session that celebrates her entire being.

Boudoir Can Help You Celebrate Special Milestones

Women who come to us unremorsefully embrace their bodies and decide to mark special occasions like weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, and special life milestones with boudoir. So if you’re getting married, accepting who you are, losing weight, becoming a mom, getting out of a toxic relationship, or starting fresh –boudoir is the perfect way to celebrate yourself. 

Boudoir Can Help You Rediscover Your Femininity 

Capturing sexy, intimate, and flattering portraits can also help you reignite and get in touch with your feminine energy. Your feminine side thrives when you embrace creative energy, move with the flow of life, dance, play, and attune to your most intrinsic self. So be spontaneous and enjoy life at its best with a boudoir.

Book Boudoir, Because You Love Yourself!

Remember, your boudoir session is whatever you want it to be. There’s no limitation regarding what you want to do during your session. You have all the power to show as little or as much as you’d like, and we are here to ensure you look amazing while doing it.

If you want to get a Boudoir portrait, Hong Kong, we have a talented team of photographers SONNET (instagram: @sonnet.moment) who can help you out. At Billy ONAIR, we also provide styling consultancy to ensure you are perfectly prepared before the shoot.

If you think you’re not photogenic, don’t fret. Our boudoir photographers will calm your “wedding buzz” nerves, make you feel comfortable, and draw out your natural smile.

The Moment That Matters| Wedding Day of Emily and Louis | Peninsula and Verendah

作為婚禮攝影師,最常被問到的問題是: 你拍了幾百場婚禮, 會已經影到毫無感覺嗎? 其實, 到現在我都很享受拍攝每一場的婚禮, 就算每次婚禮的儀式都差不多, 但每對情侶間所經歷的故事, 相處細節, 凝望對方的眼神, 中間的互動, 都是獨一無二的。

9年的長跑, 兩個本來好唔同的人, 由一開始火星撞地球般的相處模式到現在一個眼神都已知對方的想法, 愛情就是一點一滴的令兩個生命互相彌補。

很感恩這次婚禮的團隊都是很優秀, 無論是Wedding Planner, Videographer, Makeup Artist, Florist, 大妗, 都是非常專業, 而且大家都合作了很多次,全日都很流暢。

Photo : @billyonairwedding
Makeup by @irischoymakeup
Video by @bozz_wedding
Wedding Planner : @monamour.atelier
大妗姐: @azelle_lai




看著Emily 和 Louis,就想起Sprezzatura

有些人,天生就有一種淡然優雅 – Sprezzatura 。這是一種不著痕跡的藝術。如果是為了別人眼光才去刻意優雅,那是是適得其反的Sprezzatura,是矯揉造作。



Ceremony 就在這個陽光白烈的下午完成,早兩日還以為會有雙颱風,到最後大家都感恩有這麼完美的天氣!

晚宴準備march in 前,在lift入面幫一對新人拍下這時尚的一面!



婚宴來到尾聲,以一段感人的same day video 作結,由BOZZ Wedding 製作,大家都可去睇睇


小結: 這是今年第一個scale 比較大少少及流程變回正常的Wedding,自從Covid,不是禁晚宴,就是限制人數到20人,大家都捱了一年多,所以這次可拍攝一個相對完整的Wedding其實很開心,很懷念這種由早上衝到晚上的感覺,雖然很累,很燃燒生命,但每次看一看自己當日記錄的每一刻,都是值得的。

小結2: 有時都會有人問我,為什麼選擇婚禮而不拍商業/時尚?其實是兩種模式,兩個業界,需要的技巧不同,入行條件亦不同,以前淡季也有一兩成是拍時裝lookbook,但撇除這些因素,其實自己喜歡婚禮是因為你拍的相片對相中主角的重要性,是我最著重的一個原因。很多時拍時裝,對於相中model/artist, 這是一個job,被影是佢地的專業,我認識一些model,到廣告出街時,有時都忘了原來拍攝過那些相片。


智將情侶 | Research Wedding Interview | Cherry and Kyle

大家還記得調教你男友呢個真人show嗎,入面我最鐘意的就係Cherry 同 Kyle 呢對情侶~ 好開心今次Research Wedding邀請我幫佢哋影咗呢輯相!cherry 話係第一次影婚紗呢~ my pleasure!

Hong Kong Pre-Wedding Spots | 香港婚照景點系列 |尖沙咀 | Tsim Sha Tsui

呢兩年因為COVID, 大家都冇得出 Overseas 影 Pre Wedding ,變咗要留喺香港影, 而開始見到有好多媒體經常介紹好多香港新景點或秘景,然後標題會寫 「香港的威尼斯」、 「香港的京都」、 「香港的荷蘭」 等等呢類等你彷似身處外國一樣。

但我呢一年反而好想影番啲「好香港」嘅景點, 無需要修飾到變做外國嘅乜乜乜,而係將香港自身擁有嘅面貌,好自豪咁同人講: 呢度就係香港嘅中環,香港嘅尖沙咀,香港嘅大澳。 揀呢啲地方影婚照絕不失禮呀。

今年影Pre Wedding 影多咗好多尖沙咀, 我覺得係九龍區其中一個最香港嘅景點, 一條梳士巴利道兩旁就已經有半島酒店, 文化中心,海旁, 天星小輪, 呢啲都係我由出世時已經有, 由英殖年代到而家都喺度嘅建築。

1. 半島酒店

半島酒店係係香港現存歷史最悠久嘅酒店, 亦係香港以至全球最著名嘅酒店之一, 以巴洛克复興風格建造, 非常代表到殖民地時代香港上流階層嘅一面。

2. 文化中心


3. 天星小輪碼頭


4. 尖沙咀海旁

