18.1 C
Hong Kong
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Hong Kong Pre-Wedding Spots | 香港婚照景點系列 |尖沙咀 | Tsim Sha Tsui

呢兩年因為COVID,大家都冇得出Overseas 影 Pre-Wedding,變咗要留喺香港影,而開始見到有好多媒體經常介紹好多香港新景點或秘景,然後標題會寫「香港的威尼斯」、「香港的京都」、「香港的荷蘭」等等呢類等你彷似身處外國一樣。

但我呢一年反而好想影番啲「好香港」嘅景點,無需要修飾到變做外國嘅乜乜乜,而係將香港自身擁有嘅面貌,好自豪咁同人講:呢度就係香港嘅中環,香港嘅尖沙咀,香港嘅大澳。 揀呢啲地方影婚照絕不失禮呀。

Studio Pre Wedding | Wendy and Andrew

如果大家記得我地喺東京輯Pre Wedding, 就應該認得Wendy and Andrew 呢對couple ~ 作為素人, 佢地算係好好影的, 影得放,唔怕鏡頭, 唔怕大笑, 聽指示時可以做足, 所以兩輯相我地自己都好鐘意呀 ~ 人大左呢, 就會鐘意影多d呢d面向鏡頭一二三笑既相, 唔好問我呢d相有乜特別呀, 我就係鐘意冇乜特別呀, 影過幾百對情侶,我就知道, 大部份幸福既婚姻都係冇乜特別架啦, 每一日, 就係好似望下鏡頭,一二三,笑下,咁就過。 可以又睇下佢地喺東京嘅pre wedding~ https://www.billyhung.com/blog/tokyo-pre-wedding/


明天西環碼頭便禁止外人進入了, 給香港人待過一陣子的海角,有緣再見。

Client Review by Carmen and Tim : Best Decision Ever


I had the pleasure of working with Billy and his team for a pre-wedding photoshoot and it was the best decision ever. What I like best about Billy’s team is they always come prepared. Billy and his team do not shoot every couple the same way, they like a bit of a challenge. Before every shoot, they always try...

Pre-Wedding photo of Jasmin and Billy

好難得遇到一對同我同我太太都同名的couple (其實差個'e'既,不過發音一樣啦~),所以對佢地特別有好感!而且都係咁靚仔靚女 :p
