A well-prepared pre-wedding photoshoot can make the day go much smoother. Check out this list (english version is below the chinese version) of things to keep in mind before your shoot.



  • 可以之前幾天做 peeling,再用上保濕 Mask,方便護膚品吸收令妝容更貼服。(但不要拍攝前一天/當天早上才做 peeling。敏感皮膚不適合果酸。)
  • 請不要在拍攝前短時間內做醫學美容,可能會令皮膚出現泛紅或瘀青、脫皮的情況。
  • 為了避免新的護膚品令皮膚過敏,兩星期內盡量不要試新護膚品。
  • 如有植假眼睫毛,請在化妝前拆除,否則化妝師不能調整眼型。
  • 處理雜毛,腋毛必須完全清除,手毛、腳毛也可以處理。
  • 化妝師不會當天做駁髮,如有需要請事前到髮型屋處理。
  • 如會帶顏色隱形眼鏡(大眼仔),請盡量使用貼近亞洲人眼珠眼色。
  • 如沒有配帶隱形眼鏡經驗,請在拍攝前一至兩星期練習一下。
  • 可5-7天前補染頭髮。
  • 請留意耳孔有沒有埋口。


  • 請拍攝前一晚洗頭及盡量小用護髮素,會更方便 set 頭造型。前幾天也請不要做 hair treatment。
  • 如有需要,可以早一天買定鮮花作拍攝,也可使用我們Studio絲花花球。
  • 晚上睡前避免喝太多水或吃太鹹,否則會造成隔天早上面部水腫。


  • 若屬高敏感皮膚的客人,請準備卸妝及護膚用品,並要告知化妝師。
  • 手指甲乾淨整齊便可,有時需露腳拍攝,有需要可塗腳趾甲油。
  • 請準備高跟鞋,拍照出來的比例會比較好。
  • 可帶求婚戒指。
  • 另外請記得帶 Nude Bra 及無痕內褲。
  • 我們主張簡約妝容,較少用頭飾。有需要的話化妝師會有一些簡單的頭飾。至於鮮花及其他飾物需客人自備。
  • 當天建議穿闊領/開領衣服,化妝後換衣服時會較方便。另外也盡量不要穿太緊身的衣服,避免換婚紗後出現衣服壓痕。
  • 拍攝過程都需花精神及體力擺 pose,所以請記得上來前吃早/午餐。
  • 第一個新娘妝會大約需要 2.5 小時。


  • 化妝師會幫男士做簡單化妝,大家需時15-20分鐘。主要是遮霞,調整眉型,令整體感覺更精神。如果男士想遲少少到,可以新娘化妝後1.5-2小時後到達。
  • 請留意風格上我們不會幫男士貼雙眼皮膠紙及假眼睫毛。
  • 如果男士平時有gel頭,可帶自己偏好的髮泥自己做定型。
  • 化妝師也會幫男士做簡單頭髮定型。但如果男士有指定髮型(例如需要捲髮),最好影相前先去相熟髮型屋處理造型,
  • 男士襪子顏色最好同褲的一樣/近似。
  • 請檢查是否要帶皮帶,領呔及袖口鈕。
  • 如有需要,請在早上先剃鬚及修剪鼻毛,及修剪指甲。可帶備鬚刨。
  • 如帶眼鏡,不要用防藍光鏡片,否則在光線下眼鏡部份會反藍光。


  • 請帶備足夠零食及玩具。
  • 請帶備尿片如有需要。
  • 如果寵物在影樓大小便,請客人幫忙清潔。
  • 可帶備毛輥,以清除衣服上的寵物毛。
  • 如果有衣服想要狗狗/貓貓穿上拍攝,請在家中先給牠們穿上習慣一下。


  • 請帶備蚊怕水,防曬。
  • 可帶手提風扇。
  • 如去沙灘請帶備毛巾。
  • 可帶平底鞋及高踭鞋。
  • 冬天可帶一件外套或暖包作保暖。
  • 雨天可帶透明遮或黑遮。

Bride’s Checklist:

1-2 Weeks Before the Shoot:

  • Skincare:
    • Consider doing a peel a few days before the shoot, followed by a hydrating mask to enhance absorption and create a smoother canvas for makeup. (Avoid peeling the day before or morning of the shoot. Sensitive skin should avoid fruit acids.)
    • Refrain from any medical aesthetic treatments in the weeks leading up to the shoot, as they can cause redness, bruising, or peeling.
    • Avoid trying new skincare products two weeks prior to the shoot to prevent potential allergies.
  • Other:
    • Remove any fake eyelashes before arriving our studio for makeup.
    • Ensure all body hair (underarms, arms, legs) is removed.
    • If you require hair extensions, get them done at a salon beforehand.
    • If wearing colored contact lenses, choose a shade that complements your natural eye color.
    • Practice wearing contact lenses for a week or two if you are not accustomed to them.
    • Consider getting your hair color refreshed 5-7 days before the shoot.
    • Check your earlobes for any piercings that might be closed.

The Day Before:

  • Hair:
    • Wash your hair and use minimal conditioner the night before the shoot to make styling easier. Avoid hair treatments in the days leading up to the shoot.
  • Flowers:
    • If you want to have real and fresh flowers for shooting props, purchase them the day before. You can also use the studio’s silk flower bouquets.
  • Other:
    • Avoid drinking excessive water or salty foods before bed to prevent facial bloating.

On the Day of the Shoot:

  • Skin:
    • If you have sensitive skin, bring your own makeup remover and skincare products. Inform the makeup artist.
  • Nails:
    • Keep your fingernails clean and tidy. You may want to paint your toenails if there are shots that require showing your feet.
  • Shoes:
    • Bring high heels to enhance your proportions in photos.
  • Accessories:
    • Bring your engagement ring.
    • Remember to bring a nude bra and seamless underwear.
  • Makeup:
    • The studio emphasizes a minimalist makeup style, with minimal use of headpieces. The makeup artist will have some simple accessories. You are responsible for bringing any flowers or other embellishments.
  • Clothing:
    • Wear a wide-neck/open-neck top for easy dressing after makeup. Avoid tight-fitting clothes to prevent indentations from clothing after putting on the wedding dress.
  • Food:
    • Remember to eat breakfast/lunch before arriving, as posing requires energy and stamina.
  • Time:
    • The first bridal makeup application will take approximately 2.5 hours.

Groom’s Checklist:

  • Makeup:
    • The makeup artist will provide basic makeup for men, which takes about 15-20 minutes. This includes concealing blemishes, shaping eyebrows, and enhancing a more alert appearance. Men can arrive 1.5-2 hours after the bride’s makeup is done.
    • The studio does not apply double eyelid tape or false eyelashes for men.
  • Hair:
    • If you regularly use hair gel, bring your preferred product for styling.
    • The makeup artist will provide basic hair styling. If you have a specific hairstyle (e.g., curls), it’s best to get it done at your usual salon beforehand.
  • Clothing:
    • Ensure your socks match or closely resemble the color of your pants.
    • Check if you need to bring a belt, tie, and cufflinks.
  • Grooming:
    • Shave and trim your nose hair in the morning. Trim your fingernails. Bring a razor if needed.
  • Glasses:
    • If you wear glasses, avoid using anti-blue light lenses, as they can reflect blue light in photos.

Pet Photography Checklist:

  • Essentials:
    • Bring enough snacks and toys for your pet.
    • Pack diapers if necessary.
    • Be prepared to clean up any accidents your pet might have in the studio.
    • Bring a lint roller to remove pet hair from clothing.
    • If you want your pet to wear clothes in photos, get them used to wearing them at home beforehand.

Outdoor Photography Checklist:

  • Protection:
    • Bring mosquito repellent and sunscreen.
  • Comfort:
    • Pack a handheld fan.
    • Bring a towel if you are shooting at the beach.
  • Shoes:
    • Bring both flats and heels.
  • Weather:
    • Bring a jacket or a heating pad for warmth in winter.
    • Pack a clear or black umbrella for rainy days.
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