Our pre-wedding photos are just awesome and way beyond our expectation.

沒有刻意搜羅其他攝影師資訊, 從⼀開始便選擇Billy,並打從⼼底相信他能
布拉格 – ⼀個既浪漫⼜童話的古城,別⼈說到這裡拍婚照是極需要運氣的配合,⽽感恩我倆得到上天的眷顧, 除了有專業攝影師Billy及化妝師Sandy外,還有可遇不可求的好天氣與好光線。

預先走遍想要拍攝的地⽅,還暗地裡研究我倆的⽇常⽣活照或旅⾏照, 從⽽配合
拍出更真摯窩⼼的婚照。 縱使景物依舊,但由概念⾄構圖到照⽚出來效果,Billy
或許與Billy相識已久,拍攝過程中,少了份陌⽣, 多了份默契。他很懂得捕捉我們最⾃然流露⼀刻。特別喜歡那張在Old Town Square 逆光下⼿舞 ⾜蹈的照⽚, 既輕鬆且優雅。
抽空相陪及分享意⾒, 不介意千⾥遙遙給我們帶上⾃家製頭飾及花球!很漂亮、很⼩清新、 很喜歡! 即使凌晨 時多開始化妝,她仍可精神奕奕的細⼼給你上妝及按照婚紗款式及拍攝環境,給你⼀個貼切、⾃然、雅致的造型。拍攝沿途,她亦不忘仔細留意妝容及髮型, 即時修補, 既專業⼜貼⼼。這次布拉格婚照拍攝不簡單!感激⼤家由清晨食風到中午⼤汗疊細汗地為我倆拍照,感激這⼀班⼜玩得⼜捱得,卻不失專業的攝影團隊們給我們⼀個愉快甜蜜的記錄,這⼀切已在⼼中。 期待你們更多出⾊照⽚!”

We would like to say massive THANKS to billy and his team for the amazing hard work and stunning pre-wedding pictures. Billy is a creative, discreet and well-prepared photographer. During our pre-wedding shoot, Billy put us at ease straight away, guided us for both elegant and cool posture. We laughed lots and enjoyed work with him. Not only does Billy takes gorgeous photos, he also has unique way of catching our natural moments.

We felt he literally captured our personalities and style well in his image. Our pre-wedding photos are just awesome and way beyond our expectation. Looking forward Billy to be our big day photographer too. We highly recommend Billy ONAIR Photography, Billy is the man you need behind the lens!

Our pre-wedding photos are just awesome and way beyond our expectation.
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