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Hong Kong
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Pregnancy portrait of Janet Chow Ka Wai

Congratulation to Janet ! Photographer: Billy ONAIR Photography Makeup and Hair: Karrie Yum Makeup Gown: Kir Royal Arrangement: Restoring Mums

Wedding Gown Catalog: Kir Royal Sleeping Beauty

The idea of this photos was to tribute the disney story 'Sleeping Beauty',  the difficulty of the shoot was the props and we had been preparing for the xxx for a month. I remember the day of shooting was extremely hot, may be the toughest outdoor shoot I have every done. Having said that, the result was very good, I...

Portraits of my son – Eugene

Eugene不經不覺已經7個月大,為人父親也已有7個月,這段日子是一生中其中一段最開心的日子,對我和太太來說,Eugene就像天使一樣,他也為整個家族帶來很多歡樂。 之前很多時都只是用手機幫他拍照留念,直到上個月,Eugene的6個月生日,忽然想幫他影一些特別點的相,又想起一位外國攝影師爸爸幫他女兒拍的creative portrait, 就想也幫Eugene也試一試拍,主要都在家裡和studio取景。希望可以得閒就幫他影一影這樣的portraits。不要問我這類的baby portrait收幾錢,暫時不會幫其他baby拍的,因為靈感不是隨時有,我也是一天影一至兩張,很難開package呢。 適逄今天父親節,就以一個攝影師爸爸的身份先publish這輯未完成的 Portriats of Eugene (目標係想影12張,跟住印個月曆俾自己的, haha) 仲有唔少人以為Eugene是女仔呢,他·是·男·孩·子!  Eugene 是男仔名來的~~ 各位父親節快樂  The 這本 The Night The Toys Came To Life 是太太細個時她媽媽讀給她聽的,已有廿幾年歷史,而家輪到我們讀給Eugene聽,細個的時候也會想像屋企的玩具到夜晚會否都趁我地訓覺時出來活動 Play with your toys Eugene! Eugene do you hate reading? Starry starry night be a rock star Eugene! 這張是在上個月母親節影的,送花給媽媽呢~ 這是今天在studio拍的, Eugene was teaching me how to shoot! 閒時他都會幫手做下家務的。  也有時會弄壞屋企的電視。

WPPI 2013-2014 Achievement

Wedding photography is my main area of photography work, but I also love to explore various photography topics, also to attend as many competition as possible in order to have people to judge your works. I am glad to achieve 7 silver awards, 1 silver distinction award and a first runner up award in the wppi online and print competition...

International Master of Photography

I feel so honored that I am selected as one of the 100 master photographers from all over the world by World Wide Art Book, and my works has been published in the "international master of photography volume II"! This second volume includes the broadest possible spectrum of the art of photography created by talented practitioners from all over the...
